Sometimes you don’t realize these kind of establishments are taking advantage of you until you go to a new place to get your car serviced. Take the time to read your owner’s manual to know what your car actually needs done. Second opinions also go a long way. I was quoted $600 for a repair a while back that only ended up costing me around $250 at a near by jiffy lube.
Cat, I'm very sorry you feel taken advantage of. The truth is that many 'quick lube' services are going to be about 1/3 to 1/2 of the price of a professional shop. Very similar to how a Honda will cost $40,000 to buy and a Kia will cost about $15,000. Is Honda taking advantage of unsuspecting victims who are unwittingly overpaying for the same thing, or could there be a genuine reason a Honda costs more than twice as much as a Kia? It seems that one of two possibilities led us to discussing this review. 1) We explained the service we were recommending and why it was important to do it the way we do it and not the way quick lube shops do, and you simply didn't believe us. 2) We didn't explain why it matters to perform the service the way we do verses the quick lube shops and without that knowledge you think you're getting the same thing for less than 1/2 the price. If it's case #1 there isn't much we can do because you're free to believe whatever you want, however, if it's case #2 then we failed you because now you believe a quick lube shop provides the same quality of service as a professional shop and this just isn't the case, and I can easily prove it. I would be happy to discuss this further with you any time, please call me at 801-694-7936. - Richard (Owner)
- Steve's Automotive Specialists - Millcreek